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Release Publish Date SourceCategoryTitleDetails
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorBuilder Extension LinksWorkspace administrators can now define links that appear in the main APEX Builder top-level toolbar in the Extensions menu. Links display as entries of a new navigation bar item, and always open in a separate tab or window. Links can point to any URL, and support substitutions for workspace name, workspace id, username, builder session id, current application, and current page.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorGranting Connect PrivilegesThe following example demonstrates how to grant connect privileges to any host for the APEX_230200 database user. This example assumes you connected to the database where Oracle APEX is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE( host => '*', ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect'), principal_name => 'APEX_230200', principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); END; / The following example demonstrates how to provide less privileged access to local network resources. This example enables access to servers on the local host only, such as email and report servers. BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE( host => 'localhost', ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect'), principal_name => 'APEX_230200', principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); END; /
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorWhen and Why Network Services Must be EnabledEnabling network services enables support for sending outbound mail in Oracle APEX, using REST Services, REST Enabled SQL, or other web services, and using a remote server for report printing. By default, the ability to interact with network services is disabled in Oracle Database. Therefore, you must use the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package to grant network connect privileges to the APEX_230200 database user. Failing to grant these privileges results in issues with: Sending outbound mail in Oracle APEX. Users can call methods from the APEX_MAIL package, but issues arise when sending outbound email. Consuming REST services and other web services from APEX. Making outbound LDAP calls from APEX. Using a remote print server for report printing. Note:When upgrading APEX, the upgrade automatically configures Network Services based on the configuration of the previous APEX version. Tip:To run the examples described in this section, the compatible initialization parameter of the database must be set to at least By default, the parameter is set properly, but a database upgraded from a version prior to 11g may require an update. For information about changing database initialization parameters, see Specifying the Database Compatibility Level in Oracle Multitenant Administrator's Guide.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorTroubleshooting an Invalid ACL ErrorLearn how to identify any invalid ACL error by running the query. If you receive an ORA-44416: Invalid ACL error after running the previous script, use the following query to identify the invalid ACL: REM Show the dangling references to dropped users in the ACL that is assigned REM to '*'. SELECT ACL, PRINCIPAL FROM DBA_NETWORK_ACLS NACL, XDS_ACE ACE WHERE HOST = '*' AND LOWER_PORT IS NULL AND UPPER_PORT IS NULL AND NACL.ACLID = ACE.ACLID AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ALL_USERS WHERE USERNAME = PRINCIPAL); Next, run the following code to fix the ACL: DECLARE ACL_ID RAW(16); CNT NUMBER; BEGIN -- Look for the object ID of the ACL currently assigned to '*' SELECT ACLID INTO ACL_ID FROM DBA_NETWORK_ACLS WHERE HOST = '*' AND LOWER_PORT IS NULL AND UPPER_PORT IS NULL; -- If just some users referenced in the ACL are invalid, remove just those -- users in the ACL. Otherwise, drop the ACL completely. SELECT COUNT(PRINCIPAL) INTO CNT FROM XDS_ACE WHERE ACLID = ACL_ID AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ALL_USERS WHERE USERNAME = PRINCIPAL); IF (CNT > 0) THEN FOR R IN (SELECT PRINCIPAL FROM XDS_ACE WHERE ACLID = ACL_ID AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ALL_USERS WHERE USERNAME = PRINCIPAL)) LOOP UPDATE XDB.XDB$ACL SET OBJECT_VALUE = DELETEXML(OBJECT_VALUE, '/ACL/ACE[PRINCIPAL="'||R.PRINCIPAL||'"]') WHERE OBJECT_ID = ACL_ID; END LOOP; ELSE DELETE FROM XDB.XDB$ACL WHERE OBJECT_ID = ACL_ID; END IF; END; / REM commit the changes. COMMIT;
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorEnabling Network Services in Oracle DatabaseYou must enable network services in Oracle Database to send outbound mail, use Web services, or use template-based PDF report printing with BI Publisher in Oracle APEX. Note:The following does not apply to APEX instances running on Oracle Autonomous Database. APEX can communicate with external endpoints over the internet without additional configuration. When and Why Network Services Must be Enabled Enabling network services enables support for sending outbound mail in Oracle APEX, using REST Services, REST Enabled SQL, or other web services, and using a remote server for report printing. Granting Connect Privileges Troubleshooting an Invalid ACL Error Learn how to identify any invalid ACL error by running the query.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 21.2 / 22.1 / 22.2 / 23.1 / 23.2Prior to Oracle Application Express 21.2, all processes of the current processing point have been executed regardless of the added errors. In Oracle Application Express 21.2, calling APEX_ERROR.ADD_ERROR in a process stops further processes from executing and immediately displays the inline errors.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 19.2 / 20.1 / 20.2 / 21.1In Oracle Application Express 19.2, Classic Reports render empty column values as an empty cell instead of using a "non-breaking white-space" ( ).
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 19.1In Oracle Application Express 19.1, the Rich Text editor now enforces validation of the Max Length item attribute. When the length of the HTML markup exceeds the Max Length value, the system produces an error message.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 5.1 / 18.1 / 18.2In Oracle Application Express 18.1, buttons where the Execute Validations attribute is set to Yes also perform some client-side validations (such as item required checks) and will not submit the page until all issues are fixed. In previous versions this flag was just used to determine if server-side validations should be executed. Tip:Please pay attention when changing the Compatibility Mode to 5.1/18.1/18.2. Buttons, such as Cancel or Previous, where the Execute Validation flag has incorrectly been set to Yes and which use an After Submit branch, never execute validations when the user clicks the button. You can address this issue by using the new client-side validations, or by setting Execute Validations to No. In release 5.1, any Ajax-based Dynamic Actions where the "Wait for Result" attribute is set to Yes perform an asynchronous Ajax call. Prior to 5.1, such calls would be made synchronously.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 5.0In Oracle Application Express release 5.0, referencing a Static Application File with #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# no longer returns the application file. Instead, use #APP_IMAGES#. The API calls to wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout, wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout_then_go_to_page, wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout_then_go_to_url, and apex_custom_auth.logout are desupported and will raise a runtime error instead of logging out from the Oracle Application Express session. Instead, use the apex_authentication.logout entry point. Prior to release 5.0, developers using data upload did not have the option to choose a date format. Instead, a parser checked for the best format to match the user's entry or an end user could enter their own format. Oracle Application Express release 5.0 includes a new item that enables the user to choose an application date format or user entered format. Because applications created before release 5.0 do not have an item, a Compatibility Mode of 5.0 checks if the user has entered some data. If no data has been entered, it picks the application date format. When a session timeout occurs and no timeout URL is specified, Oracle Application Express raises an error instead of redirecting to the application's home page. If the session setup for an Ajax requests fails, Oracle Application Express also raises an error. For Ajax requests that expect JSON, the response is a JSON string with members that describe the error. For other requests, the error appears on an error page. Page items based on a database column where the attribute Source Used is set to Only when current value in session state is null will raise an error when the page item gets rendered. Using this setting for a database column is very dangerous and can result in accidentally overwriting data when viewing and saving multiple records. Always set the Source Used attribute to Always, replacing any existing value in session state.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 4.2In Oracle Application Express release 4.2 due to changes for the new grid layout, when a page is rendered, all regions in a certain display point are evaluated before rendering that display point, to find out if they should be displayed or not (so that the grid layout knows how many columns to render). The regions where the evaluation returned true will be executed and displayed. However, this will not work if a PL/SQL based region sets session state which is then used in a subsequent region condition to determine if the region should be displayed. In that scenario, the condition has already been checked before the display point is rendered. Use computations or PL/SQL processes to set session state before any region is displayed. In previous versions, the condition was evaluated right before each region was displayed. In Oracle Application Express release 4.2, computations and processes with a processing point Before Region(s) do now fire before any region gets rendered. Computations and processes with a processing point After Region(s) fire after all regions have been rendered. In previous versions, the computations and processes fired just before and after the region display point Page Template Body (1-3). Oracle Application Express Patch Set 4.2.2 added two new Compatibility Mode changes for Compatibility Mode 4.2: Text areas were changed to always use the Maximum Width attribute to restrict text input. Enhanced security for report column links, where the link contains both JavaScript and references to other report column substitutions, for example: Copy javascript:alert( 'Delete #NAME#' ); In the previous example, NAME is a column name in the report. Prior to Oracle Application Express release 4.2.1, to protect against possible cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, you would have had to explicitly escape any column values in the report source, so that they could safely be used in JavaScript links. When running in Compatibility Mode 4.2, Oracle Application Express automatically JavaScript escapes column name substitutions referenced in JavaScript links if the column is defined to escape special characters. To fix this, Oracle recommends that you remove the manual JavaScript escaping from your report source and use of the native escaping.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorCompatibility Mode Changes in Mode 4.1In Oracle Application Express release 4.1, Automatic DML forms raised an error when rendering the page if the column name of the source of an item was invalid. Prior to Oracle Application Express release 4.1, an invalid column name of the source of an item would not raise an error when rendering the page but it would also not set session state of the item. Also, in Oracle Application Express release 4.1, there are two new application Security Attributes to control Browser Security: Cache and Embed in Frames. Enabling the Cache attribute enables the browser to save the contents of your application's pages in its cache, both in memory and on disk. The Embed in Frames attribute controls if the browser displays your application's pages within a frame. Applications running in a Pre-4.1 Compatibility Mode function as if the Cache is enabled and as if Embed in Frames is set to allowed. Applications running in Compatibility Mode 4.1 or later respect the specific Browser Security attributes. Also, in Oracle Application Express release 4.1, because of bug 12990445, the following changes were implemented for Automatic Row Processing (DML) process types. The code which performs the INSERT was changed to determine if the columns should be included in the INSERT statement. Note that these are the same checks which occur before an UPDATE. These new checks include: Is the source type a DB Column? Is the page item contained in the POST request? For example, if the page item is conditional it will not be contained in the POST request if the condition evaluates to FALSE during page rendering. Is the page item not of type Display Only where Save State is set to No? To enable these behaviors, set the Compatibility Mode to 4.1 or later. For behavior that matches earlier releases, set the Compatibility Mode to Pre-4.1.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorApp Builder UI ChangesChanges to the application builder user interface for this release include: When adding a custom target column to an interactive report in Page Designer, the default icon is now Font APEX fa-edit. The fa-edit icon is also available from the quick pick list. File Browse is renamed to File Upload You can now toggle any component's Build Option property to comment or uncomment the component directly from the tree context menu. This option is available by default for every new application. For existing applications, you must add a Build Option called "Commented Out". The Close Dialog process has a new attribute: Show Success Messages. If switched on, success messages display in the top-level frame of the page. By default, this attribute is switched on for new applications and off for existing ones. Button templates now have a new substitution string: #BUTTON_NAME#. This string refers to the name of the button in the Page Designer button attributes. On the App Home page, the Run and Lock actions are combined into a single Actions column in the report view. A new Copy action button is available on most Shared Components pages to allow for quick copying of a specific component. A new authentication scheme is no longer automatically made the default one. APEX supports switching the authentication scheme at runtime. Creating an authentication scheme and setting one as default are now two distinct actions. Template Directives are now available for use inside the Text, Textarea, and HTML Template Component attributes in Page Designer, as well as in assignments of a {with/} and {apply/} block. This release adds general accessibility enhancements to the development environment and implements numerous accessibility-focused bug fixes.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorUsability Improvements Made to "Load More" PaginationThis change applies to Interactive Grid and Cards regions that support "Load More" pagination through the attribute Advanced Initialization JavaScript Function and the Popup LOV item results list. The button label is changed from Load More Rows to Show More. On click, the focus returns to the last focused cell in the report without changing the scroll offset.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorBuild OptionsPreviously, validations on APEX Builder pages prevented the creation of duplicate build option names. Now, a new unique constraint is added to the database in the Build Options table to enforce uniqueness of build option names. In cases where existing applications contain duplicate build option names, APEX adjusts the name to ensure the build option names become unique. This modification takes place either during an APEX upgrade or when importing older application.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleChanged BehaviorApplication Gallery ImprovementsYou can now install applications from the gallery in the background without needing to launch a modal dialog. You can continue to do other tasks while the application installs, or you can start the installation of multiple applications in sequence. For apps that have been updated since the last time you installed them, there is a new Update option that replaces an existing app with the updated one.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDeprecated jQuery Date PickerjQuery Date Picker is now deprecated and cannot be used for new pages or applications. The old jQuery Date Picker JavaScript APIs are not supported. Oracle recommends replacing all old Date Pickers with the new Date Picker.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDeprecated APEX Item MarkupFuture releases of APEX may include fixes and improvements to the accessibility, usability, and functionality of various items that require changing the markup or using custom elements (web components). These changes may create more dynamic behaviors for items, and will be done in a way that minimizes impact to items and forms in existing apps. The apex.item namespace and item interface are the only supported APIs for customizing and programmatically working with items. APEX discourages customizations that rely on undocumented item markup or CSS classes, as these may not work as expected in future releases. Assumptions about the HTML markup used by each of the native APEX items may not hold in the future. Item customization through Advanced attributes (CSS Classes), Custom Attributes, JavaScript code, and CSS rules that assumes particular markup could break. For example, you could make the text area item character counter bold by adding class important-text to the Advanced: CSS Classes attribute of a text area and then add a custom CSS rule like: .important-text.apex-item-textarea + .apex-item-textarea-counter { font-weight: bold; } This currently works, but may not in the future because it relies on undocumented class names and the counter element directly following the textarea element. It is also not a best practice to add event handlers in Custom Attributes. Future releases may document new custom element markup, classes, and CSS variables to allow more supportable customization.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDeprecated Functions and ProceduresAs part of moving existing APIs from APEX_UTIL to APEX_APPLICATION_ADMIN, some comments changed. The following functions and procedures are deprecated: set_build_option_status get_build_option_status (two times, overloaded) set_application_status get_application_status set_global_notification get_global_notification set_app_build_status
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDisplay Only Item with Format HTML (Unsafe) DeprecatedAs of APEX 23.1, Format HTML sanitizes the HTML content on the client before displaying it. This simplifies the display of user-provided HTML, including the content of HTML-based rich text editors. To maintain backward compatibility with existing applications, all current Display Only page items using the Format HTML option will be migrated to HTML (Unsafe) to preserve their current behavior. However, going forward, this option is deprecated, and displaying "unsafe" HTML, such as script tags or javascript: expressions, onclick attributes, and others, is no longer possible, as this content is stripped away. Although it is not recommended to display unsafe HTML content, you can still choose to display it.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedPreventing Double Escaping of LOV Display ValuesBy default, APEX automatically HTML-escapes Lists of Values (LOV) display values as necessary. To ensure backward compatibility with legacy apps, APEX checks whether the LOV query already includes a utility function to escape the display value. If it does, APEX avoids double-escaping the value when displaying it in a Select List, Popup LOV, Shuttle, Display Only item, or similar components. Oracle recommends removing redundant inline escaping calls from your LOVs. In a future version of APEX, this prevention mechanism may be removed, which could cause some display values to appear double-escaped. To identify whether any of your LOVs are impacted, run the following queries: select * from apex_application_lovs where lov_type = 'Dynamic' and ( upper(list_of_values_query) like '%HTF.ESCAPE_SC%' or upper(list_of_values_query) like '%APEX_ESCAPE.HTML%' or upper(list_of_values_query) like '%WWV_FLOW_ESCAPE.HTML%' ); select * from apex_application_page_items where lov_named_lov is null and ( upper(lov_definition) like '%HTF.ESCAPE_SC%' or upper(lov_definition) like '%APEX_ESCAPE.HTML%' or upper(lov_definition) like '%WWV_FLOW_ESCAPE.HTML%' ); If the queries returns no rows, then no action is required. Otherwise, check the LOV definition and/or page items, remove any manual escaping, and test your applications to ensure that the values still appear as intended.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDeprecated Object Browser FeaturesSome functionality in Object Browser is deprecated: The Model tab for tables is removed. The Create Materialized View Wizard is removed. Create materialized views by using a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement in SQL Commands or SQL Scripts. You can still view materialized views in Object Browser.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedCKEditor5 DeprecatedCKEditor5 is deprecated. Existing items based on the CKEditor5 library continue to work. However, these items will be automatically converted to TinyMCE in the next release. Any custom code using CKEditor5 APIs must be re-worked.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedQuick SQL Deprecated FunctionalityDeprecated Settings The following Quick SQL settings are deprecated: Data Language (#language:"DE"): No longer generates sample data into different languages (German, Korean, Japanese, Spanish). Tags Framework (#tags:true): No longer generates tag framework objects (table, trigger, sync procedure). On Delete (#ondelete:"cascade"): No longer supports system-wide ondelete settings. Handle these settings through the new /cascade column directive. Longer Varchar2 (#longVC:true): No longer supports artificially shortening or increasing VARCHAR2 size. Tenant ID (#tenantID:true): No longer supported. Deprecated Directives The following Quick SQL directives are deprecated: /select: No longer generates a SQL SELECT statement after generating data for each table.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedjQuery UI DeprecatedjQuery UI is deprecated. Oracle recommends that customers update third-party APEX plug-ins and custom JavaScript code to remove any jQuery UI references. Native APEX components that use jQuery UI will continue to function, but support will be removed in a future release. Oracle ships a custom bundle of JQuery UI 1.13.2 that includes only the modules that APEX needs. Oracle no longer ships individual widgets or any jQuery UI CSS files.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedDeprecated Legacy Web Service ReferencesSOAP style Web Service references and legacy support for REST style Web Services references are deprecated.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDeprecatedPreviously Deprecated APIsThe APEX_IR.GET_REPORT API is deprecated. Instead, use APEX_REGION.OPEN_QUERY_CONTEXT to get interactive report data.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported UtilitiesThe APEXExport utility is desupported and is no longer included with Oracle APEX. Oracle recommends using SQLcl to perform export operations.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedAPEX-Based REST Services DesupportedAPEX-based REST Services are desupported. Prior to release 18.1, definitions of RESTful services created within Oracle APEX were stored within the metadata tables of the core APEX schema, and referred to as APEX-based REST Services. With release 18.1, we introduced support for Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) -based REST Services, where definitions are stored in the ORDS repository. ORDS-based REST Services continue to be supported for definitions of RESTful Services in Oracle APEX. The instance parameter APEX_REST_PATH-PREFIX is desupported. Note:Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) release 21.4.2 and newer now ship with migration scripts that enable you to upgrade any remaining APEX-based REST Services to ORDS-based Services. To learn more, see Migration of Oracle APEX Restful Service Modules in Oracle REST Data Services Release Notes.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedRemoved Content Delivery NetworkThe attribute Content Delivery Network that could be found under User Interface Attributes, Javascript with options None, Google, Microsoft, and jQuery, has been removed. Enabling this option was only relevant for pulling in a few of the JavaScript libraries that APEX needs.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedSyntax {COLUMN_NAME}_LABEL in Interactive Grid Icon and Detail Views DesupportedThe &{COLUMN_NAME}_LABEL. syntax, which is used to reference the column label in Interactive Grid Detail and Icon views, is desupported. Instead, use &{COLUMN_NAME}%LABEL..
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedBased On - Output of PL/SQL Code attribute DesupportedThe selection Output of PL/SQL Code of the attribute Based On is now desupported.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedPopup LOV Template DesupportedThe Popup LOV template type is desupported.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedapex.widget.initPageItem Function DesupportedThe function apex.widget.initPageItem is desupported. Item plug-in creators should use apex.item.create instead.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedapex.server Plug-in and Process Function Async Option DesupportedIn a future release, the async option will be ignored and all Ajax requests will be asynchronous.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedShow / Hide All Page Items On Same Line Attributes DesupportedIn Dynamic Actions, the Show and Hide actions have attributes Show all page items on same line and Hide all page items on same line, respectively. These attributes were designed for forms with a table-based layout. Because Universal Theme no longer uses table-based layout, these attributes are desupported. This functionality remains for existing Dynamic Actions where it was set to Yes, but developers cannot select it for new Dynamic Actions.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedPost Calculation for Page Items DesupportedThe Post Calculation functionality of page items is desupported. This functionality remains for existing page items where it has been used, but you can no longer set it for new page items nor add it to existing page items where it has not been used in the past.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported JavaScript FunctionsThe following functions are desupported: Universal Theme JavaScript API function: (use instead)
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedLegacy Substitution Strings DesupportedThe following apex.env substitution strings are desupported: APP_IMAGES IMAGE_PREFIX THEME_DB_IMAGES THEME_IMAGES WORKSPACE_IMAGES While the legacy substitutions still function, Oracle recommends developers update their environments to use updated substitutions (listed below). Legacy New IMAGE_PREFIX APEX_FILES WORKSPACE_IMAGES WORKSPACE_FILES APP_IMAGES APP_FILES THEME_IMAGES THEME_FILES THEME_DB_IMAGES THEME_DB_FILES
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedCustom Page Region Templates with Duplicated Positions DesupportedCustom page template and custom region templates with duplicated positions are desupported. For example, a region template referencing position #CHANGE# twice is not recommended because that duplicate position causes duplicate DOM IDs.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported Region PositionsThe following region positions used for button positioning are desupported and display as Legacy in Page Designer: Top of Region Bottom of Region Above Region Below Region
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported Page PositionsThe following page positions are desupported and display as Legacy in Page Designer: Body 1 Body 2 Body 3 After Header Before Footer
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported Public Package APIsDesupported public package APIs: apex_page.is_desktop_ui function apex_page.get_ui_type function
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedCKEditor4 DesupportedRich Text Editor items based on CKEditor4, which are marked as deprecated since APEX 20.2, are now desupported and will be automatically converted to CKEditor5. CKEditor4 is removed from APEX completely. Converted items receive the following configuration: Format: HTML Toolbar: unchanged Toolbar Style: Multiline Minimum Height: 180 Maximum Height: null Allow Custom HTML: Enabled The properties Toolbar Position and Skin do not have a CKEditor5 equivalent, and are removed. Any code included in the JavaScript Initialization Code attribute is automatically commented out. Oracle recommends manually checking the functioning of each Rich Text Editor item. Note:With this update, any code referencing CKEditor4 and the CKEDITOR global object no longer works.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedCopying Legacy Themes DesupportedThe Copy Theme Wizard no longer supports copying legacy themes. This includes Themes 1 - 26, and the jQuery Mobile theme.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedApp Builder Defaults DesupportedDevelopers can no longer define App Builder Defaults from Workspace Utilities, App Builder Defaults. The Create Application Wizard no longer uses the defined attributes.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedFullCalendar 3 DesupportedFullCalendar v3 is desupported, including: deprecated plug-in attributes files and folders specific to v3 or jquery-fullcalendar v3-specific logic in PL/SQL and JavaScript The used library version is now FullCalendar 6.1.8. APEX upgrades the library automatically.
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported View ColumnsThe following view columns are desupported: In apex_applications: app_builder_icon_name favicons pwa_manifest_icon_url
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported PropertiesThe following properties in the property editor are desupported: Region Image Image Tag Attributes
23.2.014-NOV-23OracleDesupportedDesupported Attributes in App BuilderThe following attributes in App Builder are desupported: In Edit Application Definition: Progressive Web App - Icon URL Application Icon - Icon File Name In Edit User Interface: Favicon
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